Lessons in SECRET Page 13
“You didn’t tell us who it is.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“It’s that bad.”
She tells me then, and I almost fall out of my chair. She says the guys know, but asks me not to tell my friends yet. I understand the need for national security, so I promise to not say anything for now.
“Isn’t there going to be Hell to pay if he’s killed?”
“The White House has a cover story already planned. They want him gone almost as much as we do.”
“This is a little crazy, like something out of a Harlan Coben novel. If I wasn’t in the middle of it, I wouldn’t believe it was real.”
“Isa, we need to go,” Matt says, walking into the room.
“Knocking would’ve been appropriate, Commander.”
“Ex-Commander, and you can cut the crap, Liz. If you’d told me who Jake really was, I could’ve made sure none of this was necessary.”
“Yes, well, hindsight and all that. Go get my boy, and make sure this girl comes out with him.”
“That’s not even a question. But it’s her before him, you have to know that.”
“I can take care of myself you know.”
“Yeah, we do know, Double G. Love can make you careless, though, so we’ve got your back.”
Stella and I board the government plane with the guys, while everyone else rides in one of the Corrigan jets. We spend the few hours of the flight with Stella transforming me, while Matt fills us in on what’s going to go down. I knew the three of them were badass—they were in the most sought after Special Forces group in the military—but I’ve never seen them in action before. It’s pretty awesome, along with being a little scary. I’m really glad that they’re on my side.
Chapter 15
I’m not sure why they would bring me to the property where the auction and “party” are taking place. I guess it just speaks to the arrogance of the man in charge. He thinks nothing and no one can touch him. I had a chance, but I blew it. Isa’s still out there. She doesn’t know who he is, but maybe her and her friends can figure it out. Or maybe they shouldn’t. This guy doesn’t care who he hurts.
Kurt and Grace are directed to the main house while I’m taken to a separate building that turns out to be a private gym. “Ready to play, Wells?” One asks me.
Obviously, my real name hasn’t been given out to the underlings. I wonder how they’d react if they knew not only my name, but how much combat training I’ve had. I don’t think this idiot would be asking to fight me. But what he doesn’t know can only help me, so I’ll bite.
“Not really.”
“Too bad.”
I hang back, trying my best to look nervous. It seems to work as he rushes me, and I easily throw him over my shoulder. He gets to his feet as I chuckle. I might as well have a little fun before I die.
An hour later, I seem to have worn all three of them out while only getting punched a few times. That’s when they bring out the big guns. Literally. Asshole Number Three holds a Sig Sauer on me.
“Lie down on the ground,” Two says.
“No thank you.”
“That wasn’t a request.”
Shit. Why couldn’t I just play along? I know this isn’t going to be good. Whatever they want me on the floor for is going to hurt. I’ve been trained to handle pain, but it doesn’t mean I like it. Since I don’t have a gun of my own, and I’m not close enough to disarm, I have to do what I’m told and get on the floor.
Sure enough, once I’m down, the cowards start kicking me. The first time I pull one of the two to the ground with me, a bullet grazes my thigh. After that, I stop fighting; although, I do protect my head. Since I’d already worn them out with hand to hand, they don’t last too long before tiring out. I know I have at least one broken rib and am bleeding from where the bullet grazed me since they made sure to kick me there, but all in all I’m not in too bad of shape.
They handcuff me to a weight bench and bring in three other guys to watch me. Not sure where they think I can go at the moment, but I’m glad that they seem to be more than a little scared of me. I’ll be sure to use that to my advantage later.
Sleeping can be precarious, but I decide that getting some rest will serve me well later. I’m not sure if I’ll have a chance for anything, but I’ll take what I can get. I dream of Isa and what it would’ve been like if I really was just a teacher. She’s not a student, but just Luke Griffin’s friend. And we live happily ever after with our 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. It’s my favorite dream ever.
A wave of cold water breaks me out of my happy place. I shake my head to clear it and get the water out of my eyes. And there he is, the man himself. Bartlett Mays. The head of this multi-state prostitution ring. And the Secretary of State of the United States of America. God bless the U.S.A. indeed.
“You’ve become such a disappointment, Jake.”
“Fuck you. You’re trading money for teenage girls. I think your level of disappointment far exceeds my own.”
“I had such high hopes for you,” he says, ignoring my insult. “I wanted you to run it all.”
“Not interested.”
“All because of a piece of ass. A nice piece of ass granted, but you’ve had better.”
He’s trying to bait me, to get me to say more than I’m willing to about Isa. It’s not working. “Maybe I just grew a conscience,” I say with a shrug.
“It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?”
“I don’t think it’s ever too late for a conscience. You should try it.”
“So you’ve gone from a good for nothing rich kid to a comedian. You should’ve kept your day job.”
“It was better than my night job, that’s for sure.”
“Do you not understand that you’re going to die tonight?”
“Well, I was pretty sure, but thanks for clearing it up.”
I’ve pushed him too far. He nods, and my head snaps forward as I’m hit from behind. Three steps in front of me and uses me as a punching bag for a few minutes. I can taste the blood in my mouth, but my teeth are still intact. I spit out blood, hitting Mays’ shiny shoes in the process. I honestly wasn’t trying for that, but I’m not sorry.
“Stupid boy. I was almost willing to let you die quickly. But now you’re going to suffer. You’ve got a few hours to think about all the things I’m going to do to you when I get back.”
“You? You’re going to dirty your hands with lil ol’ me?”
“You better believe I am. And you won’t be making jokes, I can assure you of that.”
I decide to sleep again. I want my happy before I die. But that’s later. Right now is a brilliant mind and braids. Laughter and kissable lips. Love and coming home. Isa.
* * *
When we step off the plane in Milwaukee, I don’t even recognize myself. My hair’s a short black asymmetrical bob, my eyes are a vibrant green, and I’m dressed like a rock dominatrix. The wig, contacts, and clothing can change the way I look on the outside, but I need to own it on the inside in order for it to work. We worked on my walk and mannerisms during the last hour of the flight. I know I’m ready. I have to be. Failure is not even on the multiple choice list.
The drive to the mansion is short, and we have no problem getting in. With Nate and Aiden having been at the Vegas auction, they had no problem getting in on this one. And Matt, well he’s Matt. Not many people say no to a Corrigan. Especially the one who’s getting ready to give up being the biggest player in the world to get married soon. I’m going along as his companion. Nate and Aiden said there were a few couples in Vegas, so it was easy to bring me along.
I tense a little as Kurt greets us at the pool house. He looks at me a little curiously, but says nothing. I’m not sure if I’m in the clear, but for now we’re all okay. The screens on the wall show who’s up for grabs today. Lisa Dess sent us pics to look at on the flight.
They’re of girls she thinks have been given up to this life by their parents. Her friends in law enforcement are with my other friends, waiting for the signal to storm the mansion.
I recognize only two of the girls from the photos. I know Nate and Aiden will take them. I nudge Matt when I see Grace. He raises an eyebrow, and I nod. I’m determined to save this girl whether she thinks she needs it or not. He answers my nod, and we settle in until it’s time for the bidding to begin.
It’s strange to be on this side of things, but I keep up my act throughout the live action. Nate and Aiden are out before us. There’s some guys who don’t want to give up Grace, but Matt is one of the richest men in the world, so they’re no match for his bank account. We’ve given our room number, and we make our way up the back staircase to Grace.
Matt ushers me in the room first and then closes and locks the door. Grace looks between us and I see fear flash across her face before she puts her game face on. It’s in that moment that I make my decision.
“It’s me, Grace. It’s Isabelle.”
“What? How? Oh my God, you have to get out of here. They’ll put you in one of these rooms. Or kill you. They’re going to kill Mason.”
“We’re here for him. And you, Grace.”
“He saved me on the plane. They we’re going to all do…me. But he talked them out of it.”
“We’re going to get you both out of here.”
“My father will never allow it.”
“Your father?”
“He’s…he’s the one on charge.”
“Your father is Bartlett Mays?”
Matt and I exchange glances. This is even more fucked up than we thought. “And he-he knows about you doing this? He has you here?”
“No. I found out what he was doing when he left his personal email open one day. I knew Kurt, of course, but I didn’t know Mason. Kurt thought it was a big mind fuck to have me working for them.”
“How did Mason not know? His mom and your dad are friends.”
“They are? Well, my mom isn’t dear old dad’s wife. So most people don’t even know I exist. That’s why I did this. I just wanted some attention from him.”
“This isn’t the way to get it.”
“I figured that out pretty quickly, but I was getting attention from Kurt. And Mason tried to talk me into leaving once he found out. I thought he, you know, liked me. But he didn’t. He loves you.”
“Yeah he does. I won’t apologize for that, but I meant what I said about getting you out of here, and I’d like to help you, too.”
“Thanks. And it’s okay about him. You two are actually kind of cute together. I don’t know how we’ll get out of here, though. It’s well guarded.”
“We have a plan and a back-up plan. One of them will work.”
“Or we could go with a new plan,” Matt says. “A reunion with Daddy Dearest could give us the distraction we need.”
“No. It’s too risky for her.”
“For me? No. My dad may ignore me, but I know he loves me. And when he finds out I’m part of his little club, he’s going to freak out. He doesn’t even want me to date yet.”
“Are you sure, Grace? Because I don’t want to take the chance of you getting hurt. Like I said, we have other plans.”
“You really care? After how mean I was to you?”
“Yes. I care. I hate to have attention on me as much as you crave it, so I understand.”
“There’s a small alcove by the top of the stairs. Go there. I’m going to give you a minute to get situated, and then I’m going to scream.”
“That won’t work. When they get here, and find you alone, they’ll know something’s up,” Matt says.
“She won’t be alone.”
“Oh hell no, Isa. You’re not going after Mason alone.”
“Yeah, I am. It’s the only way. I can do this, Matt. I promise.”
“I don’t like this, but it’s a good plan. Reina’s going to withhold sex from me again, but I’m going to let you do it.”
“Someone’s withholding sex from you? Is she crazy? I wouldn’t do that.”
“Behave little girl. I’m taken, and even if I weren’t, I like my women legal,” he tells her with a smile that should be illegal. And probably is in some countries.
“You watch out for yourself, too. It’s not going to be pretty when her dad gets up here.”
“I’m going to demand a refund, and call the Calvary while I keep him talking.”
“Okay, I’m out.”
I creep down the hall and find that alcove. I’m squeeze in as far as possible and wait for it. The scream is so loud. Cries of “Daddy” over and over again. Damn, she’s good. Or at least she will be once we get her some help.
The hall shakes as the men fly up the steps. I see Mays among the guards. I wait for my chance and then fly down those stairs. I see a guard right as he sees me, but I launch myself from the step I’m on and kick him in the head before he can yell. Then I’m out the door.
I’m careful as I make my way around the house. From the satellite images of the house we saw on the plane, we’re pretty sure they’ve got Jake in the gym that’s in a building on the property. It’s the only other outlying building, besides the pool house, that had a good amount of thermal energy showing up. I’m able to get to the building without any other trouble.
I think about how I want to play this and decide that acting like I’m lost is the ticket. It’s not original at all, but I just need to get inside the door. I pull down the thin black tank I’m wearing as far as I can. The spaghetti straps forming a ‘v’ in the middle hinder me a little, but I get it down low enough to show some cleavage. The tight, shiny black pants I have on hide nothing, so they’re already doing their part. I flip my wig, and walk to the door.
The first thing I see upon entering is Jake handcuffed to a weight bench. His looks bloody and beaten, which make me want to kill someone. Then I notice the three men who have stood up and are coming towards me. I bite my lip and strike a pose.
“Oh. This isn’t the pool house.”
“No, that’s next to the pool.”
“Silly me,” I say, pulling on my top.
“I’ll show you, baby,” one of them says, coming towards me.
“Oh, thank you,” I tell him as he comes close.
“You’re—“ and that’s all he gets out before I punch him in the throat and take his gun.
I cock it and shoot one of the others before he realizes what’s happening. The third comes for me, but I’m ready for him. My training pays off as I take him down, allowing only one punch to my cheek to get through.
I pick the gun back up and run to Jake. I shoot off his handcuffs, and pull him into my arms. He wakes up and says my name before passing out again. The authorities rush in with my friends less than a minute later.
I have to let him go. I need to be questioned, and he needs the hospital. That’s what I’m told as my hands are removed from him by the military men who have shown up, along with everyone else. I whisper that I love him, and then he’s gone. Hours later, when I try to find him, I’m told he’s been moved to a hospital in Virginia. Liz Mason gave me her son, and then she took him away.
Chapter 16
I’m in Virginia now. It took time for me to get away from Milwaukee, but Reina called in favors and I was allowed to leave. I took the jet straight here because I need to see Jake. I know Elizabeth Mason is probably going to try and stop me, but I can’t let her.
I walk into the hospital and ask for his room number. The volunteer tells me he’s in intensive care, but only family and those on his approved visitor list can go upstairs. I smile and walk to the cafeteria.
I use some skills Darcy taught me, and snag a badge from a young doctor who was flirting with me. Good thing I cleaned up on the plane. I use the pass to access the staff elevator and get into the ICU waiting room. Which is where my luck ends.
There are
a handful of military guys in the room who’ve obviously seen my picture. “You can’t be here, Ms. Carlton.”
“I need to see him. Please.”
“We have orders, and we need to follow them.”
I’m about to say more when a beautiful brunette walks into the room. “Jake Mason, where is he?” she asks the nurse behind the window.
“Your name?”
“Vicki. I’m on the list.”
“Oh yes, his girlfriend.”
The room starts spinning, and I nearly fall over. I don’t hear anything else as I start to fall to the ground. The guy I was talking to catches me and helps me stand again. When I look around, I see that Jake’s girlfriend is gone. Because she’s allowed to see him. Of course she is. I never expected to be the “other woman” at any time in my life. But that’s what I am now. And let me tell you, it really does suck.
Being the masochist that I am, I can’t leave town without talking to Jake. I need to hear him tell me that it was all a lie, so I hang around town for the next few days. I’m in the hotel across the street from the hospital, and I see the press going crazy as Jake leaves the hotel. With Vicki. I’m going to his parents’ house today for one last try at getting the closure I desperately need.
I pull up to the gates, expecting to be turned away. That’s not how it works, though. I’m actually let in. Of course Liz is the one waiting for me in the room the butler leads me into, and not Jake. I knew this was a little too easy.
“Why are you here, Isa?”
“You can’t be serious. I saved him. You know I love him.”
“I also know that you saw Vicki at the hospital. My men said you nearly fainted.”
“I need Jake to explain all of this to me.”
“That’s not going to happen, but I’ll indulge your curiosity. Vicki and Jake were high school sweethearts. Everyone knew they were perfect for each other, but they decided to take a break. This little situation has brought them back together.”
“You mean you brought them back together.”
“It was Jake who asked for her, not me. He’s realized that she’s the one he really wants, and his other…feelings…weren’t what he thought they were”