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Lessons in SECRET Page 12

  I’m in the middle of class when Kurt comes in with a note in his hand. “I have permission to take Isabelle home for the day. There’s been a death in her family, and a plane is waiting to take her back home.”

  Shit. I didn’t see this coming. “No.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “She’s not going with you.”

  “That’s not up to you.”

  “In my office. Now. You too, Isabelle.”

  I tell the class to study the next chapter. When Grace tries to follow us, I tell her to get back in her seat. I close and lock the door behind us, placing myself in front of Isa.

  “What the hell is going on Kurt? I was supposed to take her.”

  “Change of plans. The big boss doesn’t trust you for some reason. And since you just outed yourself in front of the merchandise, I’d have to agree with him.”

  Merchandise? I swear I’m going to end the little bastard when I get a chance. “She’s not going with you.”

  “I have some friends outside who would beg to differ.”

  “Even you wouldn’t be so stupid as to bring those thugs into the school. Your daddy’s power only extends so far.”

  “You’re a dead man if you try to stop this. You know that.”

  “I’ll go,” Isa says. “Don’t put yourself in danger because of me.”

  I grab her arm as she steps around me. “I already have. You can’t go with him.”

  She seems to get that something’s wrong, so she stops walking, but instead of standing behind me, she stands next to me. Crossing her arms, she glares at Kurt. “I guess I’m going to have to pass on this trip, Kurt.”

  “Like hell you will. Do you want to go back to the food and the comments? Did you enjoy that?”

  “No. I don’t want that, but I can take whatever you dish out.”

  I’m so proud of her. She’s amazing, which I already knew. But her courage just humbles me. I know how much being looked at and talked about scares her, yet she’s going to do it to protect herself. I didn’t think I could love her more, but I was wrong.

  “You’re getting on that plane today, even if I have to involve others to make it happen. You’re too valuable. Our new clients know how much you went for at auction, and that you got rave reviews. They want you bad, and they’re going to have you. Well, once my friends and I are done with you.”

  “You’d have to kill me first.”

  “Unfortunately, we can’t even mark you. But it will still be fun…for us.”

  I lunge for him. I can’t help myself. I get in two good shots before he plays dirty and stabs me in the arm with a knife. He gets away before I can react.

  “Jake. Oh my God.”

  “It’s fine. He didn’t get it in deep.”

  “Let me look.”

  “There isn’t time. I need you to get safely to your apartment or the Foundation. Can your friends do that?”

  “I’m sure they can. But I should be on that plane. I need to finish this.”

  “If you get on this plane, they will do just what Kurt said. You’ll be gang raped. I know you’re tough, but four to one on a private plane is not the odds we’re looking for.”

  “Four? How do you know?”

  “My boss uses the same three guys when he needs some muscle for the dirtiest jobs. He threatened to send them if I stepped out of line. I must have given something away about you when I talked to him. I tried not to, but it was after that night of no sleep, when I thought you and Ryan had sex. I was a little crazed.”

  “I’ll get away. But will they go that easily?”

  “No. Your fake parents aren’t at the house, are they?”

  “No. They’re at their real house today. But…oh my God. Tegan’s there. I have to call her.”

  I wait anxiously as she dials the number. The bell rings, but I don’t go check on my class. The charade is over, anyway. When Tegan answers, Isa tells her what’s going on and then something happens.

  “Teeg? What’s going on?”

  I grab the phone from her. “Tegan, it’s Mason. Are they there?”

  “Yeah. They just broke through the gates.”

  “Is there a panic room or somewhere you can barricade yourself in?”

  “No panic room, but the servant’s bathroom has only one entrance and is pretty secluded.”

  “Get yourself there. I’m on my way.”

  “No offense, but I’ve already sounded the alarm for our friends. They’d be much more help.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that. Plus I’m probably closer. And I’m coming for you, regardless.”

  I hand the phone back to Isa and head out the door. “Get safe, Isa. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Jake. You need to be safe, too.”

  “Right now, I need to help your friend. I’ll be as safe as I can.”

  Chapter 14


  I realize my miscalculation when I sneak into the staff parking lot of the school. Tegan said there were people at the house, but there are also some guys here. They’re not the usual three, but they look just as bad. It’s a good thing I have my bike across the street in case of situations like this. I sneak through the cars, which is easier than it should be, telling me these guys aren’t pros. That could make things go either way here at the school. They could be bumbling enough to make it easy for Isa. Or they could be desperate to prove themselves, and cause problems. I know Isa and her friends can handle whatever comes their way, so I need to concentrate on Tegan since she’s alone at the moment.

  I race my bike through the quiet streets and through the broken gates of Isa’s fake home. I made it here in less than five minutes, but I’m almost too late. Tegan’s already being dragged from the house. The sound of my engine startles the assholes enough so that she’s able to get away, but they’re after her again. I pull up alongside her, and she jumps on the back of my bike.

  It’s not going to be enough, though. The extra “helpers” are forming a barrier in front of me that I would have no trouble driving through, if it weren’t for the guns in their hands. I pull out my own gun and hand it to Tegan. I drive around the house, but there’s no other way out for us as the canyon behind the house is being guarded, too. The boss really wants Isa. I don’t blame him. But I am going to kill him.

  “I’m going to get as close as possible to the gates. Then I’m jumping off and you need to just go.”

  “Are you insane?”


  “Isa will kill me.”

  “If we’re both dead, she’ll be even more upset. Just take care of her. Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Mason. You didn’t have to do this.”

  “I really did. Here we go.”

  I drive us out towards the line, with Tegan shooting as many of the guys as she can while we still have the element of surprise. Right before the gates, I yell “now” and jump off. She surges forward and grabs the handlebars, the bike weaving a little as she shoots out onto the street. She’s safe. Thank God, she’s safe. Me? Not so much.

  “Isn’t this interesting? The cold hearted Mason Wells sacrificing himself for a woman. And not even the one our boss thought you were trying to protect,” Asshole One says to me.

  I don’t answer. They can do whatever they want to me, but I’m not saying a word. About anything. Especially not Isa.

  “Aw, Cat’s got your tongue. You’ll be screaming and begging soon enough, tough guy.”

  They pull me roughly to one of the SUVs and toss me in the backseat. Assholes Two and Three join me, one on each side. They leave the new minions who are still alive behind to fend for themselves. As we drive down the street, I see my motorcycle abandoned on the side of the road. Thank God. Tegan got away, and Isa should be safe by now, too. I knew this was coming, and it would be bad, but at least I was able to protect the woman I love and her friend.

  Kurt and Grace are already on the plane when I’m escorted to my seat. Kurt smirks at me, but Grace looks worried
. She should be. I don’t know how I’m going to protect her on this plane, but I have to try. Crossing state lines with a minor with the intent to commit a crime should help place another nail in the boss’ coffin, but while this girl thinks she wants the life she’s living, I can guarantee that she doesn’t.

  “Looky here, we may not have the winner, but blondie is a nice consolation prize,” One says.

  “Prize? I’m going to a party.”

  “But we have permission to party with whatever girl we found here on the plane first.”

  “No,” she says looking scared now. “Kurt?”

  “They have permission.”

  “You don’t want to touch her,” I tell them.

  “Oh yeah, we do,” Two tells me.

  “Do you know who her father is?”

  “Why should I care?”

  “Because he’s powerful enough to hire people better than you to find you and hurt you.”

  “She won’t tell, will you?”

  Grace looks at me. “Please don’t make me do this.”

  “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not in a position of power here, Grace. But you have power. Tell them who your father is.”

  It’s the only thing I can think of. I know she doesn’t want anyone to know—even most of the kids at the school don’t know. But I know, and so does Kurt. Which is why he’s the one looking scared now.

  “He’s right. I shouldn’t have brought her. But we needed someone. Those millionaires can protect themselves, but we’d be dead within a day,” he tells One.

  “You’re serious.”

  “Yeah. I wish I wasn’t because we could all have fun with her, but I’d like to live a little longer.”

  “Well, shit. The boss owes us some pussy on the ground then.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. I won’t be any use to her once we land, but I was able to save Grace here. I can only hope that Isa and her friends come through. If my mom hasn’t already. Between them, I may actually have a chance at making it out of this alive.

  * * *


  I made it to the Foundation safely. It wasn’t easy, especially since almost everyone needed to go to Tegan, who was under a bigger threat than me. Ainsley said the house was surrounded. There were a few guys waiting outside for me, too. Ellie was already in the building, and Jade came with Nate to help us.

  The guys actually started shooting at us, which told us they were new and trying to prove themselves. Jade got grazed on the arm by a bullet and that’s when Nate went crazy. After the three of us helped to unarm them and got into the car, he beat the shit out of them until all three were unconscious. Only then did he jump in the backseat with Jade, ripped off his t-shirt—which nearly caused Ellie to crash the car—and wrapped it around her arm to stop the blood.

  It was pretty amazing and gave me a new found respect for Nate’s talents, and um, his chest. Which really is a thing of beauty. He’s down in the medical ward with Jade now, since he refused to leave her side even after she told him she was fine. It would be adorable if I weren’t so stressed about Tegan and Jake. There’s been no word, and they should have been back by now.

  When the group comes into the lobby, I look from face to face, but he’s not with them. “Where is he?”

  “I’m sorry, Isa. I told him he was insane.”

  “What are you talking about Teeg?”

  “He sacrificed himself to get me out of there.”


  I feel my legs go out beneath me, and a pair of strong arms catch me. Matt lifts me up and carries me to the conference room. He sets me in a chair as Aiden hands me some water. When Jade and Nate join everyone in the room, Nate comes to stand by me, too. It’s like the three of them are trying to protect me, but I don’t know from what. I’ve already been protected by the man I love, and what we should be doing now is planning on how to rescue him before…before his boss kills him.

  A moment later, I understand why they’re standing guard. A number of military men enter the room, followed by The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Elizabeth Mason. Because I do so much research for missions, I have high security clearance and know that the guys help her with special assignments from time to time. I don’t know why she’s here, though.

  “Liz, to what do we owe this visit?” Jane asks her; although, she doesn’t seem surprised.

  “You know damn well why I’m here so let’s skip with the bullshit.” She looks to where the guys are standing around me. “And you three should be on a plane already.”

  “We needed to make sure everyone got back here safely,” Matt tells her.

  “My son did not make it back here safely, so obviously you didn’t do your job.”

  “Your son was not my concern. Mainly because I didn’t know he was your son. If he’d been honest with us, or at least Isa, we could’ve helped him.”

  “Yes, well, Jake’s always been a lone wolf. Until now.”

  Jake? Oh my God. “Jake is your son. Jake Mason. That’s why he wanted me to call him that. His name isn’t Mason Wells.”

  “No it isn’t.”

  “You need to explain everything to us. Just telling me to have my girls stop digging because he’s your son is not enough,” Jane tells her.

  “Once those three get on a plane to Milwaukee, I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Wait. They’re going for him? I’m going, too.”

  “Oh no. You’ve caused everyone enough trouble.”

  “I love your son, and no one in this room is going to stop me from helping bring him out of this alive. No one. Now tell us what we need to know.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, and then nods. “Time is of the essence, so here’s the short version. My son was in military intelligence for four years. And then he started working directly for my team, taking on assignments that seemed impossible, but never were for him. This is something that we never shared with the public, or even our friends. Everyone thinks he just has a cushy, low responsibility job with my husband’s company. We always played it off like he was aimless and couldn’t find his way. It worked too well in this case.

  “One of my so-called friends has apparently had a lucrative business going for a few years now. A business that, as you know, sells girls to the highest bidder. He had recently expanded into a new market, but he didn’t want to be associated with that city. He needed someone else to do his dirty work, and who better than a rich playboy with no responsibilities? When he approached Jake, my son played along. And then he came to me. I was against him getting involved, but what he’d been told sickened him, and he wanted to help. Actually, that’s not true—he needed to help. It’s his nature. He’s always been the one his friends go to for help when something goes wrong.”

  “He’s a good man,” I say.”

  “Yes, he is. And he was close to bringing everything down, until he did something he’d never done before. He fell in love with you, Isabelle. When he called to tell me, I tried to reason with him and get him to run. But he reminded me that I would never sacrifice his father to protect myself. Which tells me just how strong his feelings for you are.”

  “I feel the same.”

  “Even though you thought he was a bad guy? He told me you were willing to stand by him if he went to jail.”

  “I was. I am. I’ve never been in love before, either. I would lay down my life for him in a second.”

  “You realize that you very well could be if you go with the guys?”


  “I still think this is too risky. You can’t just walk in there as yourself. They’d take you immediately.”

  “Which is why Stella needs to be on the plane with me. She can alter me enough to pass as someone else.”

  “Yes, I can. But I’m not sure I should,” Stella tells me.

  “Please, Stell.”

  She looks to Reina, who nods. “He saved Tegan. We owe him. The guys are already going, regardless. If Isa feels she needs to go, we’ll do ev
erything we can to help her. Which means we’re taking our own plane. We won’t go in with them, but we’ll be nearby. I’ll have Scott call Lisa Dess to alert her.”

  Stella goes to grab what she needs, and everyone else files out to get ready to go to the airport. Reina is the last to go. She lifts an eyebrow at me and then nods when I do. So now, it’s just me and Mrs. Mason. Her guards are outside to give us privacy.

  “I’ve looked into you, Isabelle.”

  “You can call me Isa, and I wouldn’t expect anything less, Ma’am.”

  “Liz, not Ma’am. I get enough ‘ma’ams’ an hour to last a lifetime, and I’m really not that formal if I’m being honest.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Your background is very impressive. You not only graduated college, but got more than one Masters, and a PhD. All while you were still a teenager.”

  “I did, yes.”

  “You lived a sheltered upbringing and have continued to draw as little attention to yourself as possible in your adult years.”

  “Again, that is correct.”

  “Yet, you joined this organization and passed their rigorous training classes.”

  “Is this going somewhere, Liz?”

  “A mother tends to think no one is good enough for her son, but you may just be the exception. A genius with a strength of spirit not found often in women or men. Not to mention your obvious beauty. I’m not surprised that my son was willing to give up everything, including his life, for you.”

  “I never wanted that. For him to have to give up anything to be with me.”

  “I believe you, Isa. And that makes me even happier. Now go get my son and bring him home. If that bastard who took him gets killed in the process, that will just be a bonus.”