Lessons in SECRET Read online

Page 4

  “He somehow got my research paper and turned in the same one as his. He was trying to say I cheated. I couldn’t allow it.” I drop my head in my hands. “I know I need to look at the big picture, but I couldn’t.”

  “How did Kurt react?”

  “He said I’m going to regret it. And that I’d been warned.”

  “So he still wants you. Probably even more now.”

  “Yeah. Mase thinks it’s going to be bad for me. He said he’ll do whatever he can to protect me, but I know that’s not much.”

  “I’m giving you some backup, then.” She holds up her hand before I can argue. “This isn’t about sheltering you, Isa. Everyone has used backup on missions. You know that.”

  I do know that. And I need to get over my stubborn pride. “Thanks, Rei.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go home and get some rest. I have a feeling you’re going to need it.”

  Chapter 4


  “Leave Isabelle alone, Kurt,” I tell him with a menacing glare the day after the cheating scandal.

  We’re just inside my classroom and the door’s open, but so help me God, if the little prick doesn’t keep his mouth shut, I’ll shut it for him. He doesn’t need Isa. I know she thinks she needs him, but there has to be another way. Maybe she can get Max to confide in her. I know she’s not doing what she’s doing by choice. Which kills me, but I really can’t do anything about it.

  “You want a turn at her, Wells? Is that it? She’s going to cost a pretty penny when I finally convince her to join the other girls.”

  That he’s being this cocky—and mouthy—while we’re here at school tells me something. He’s getting desperate. I’ve observed him with the other girls, and I’ve never seen him like this with anyone. I know part of it is because Isa stood up to him, and he wants to break her. I won’t allow that, though. So I think fast.

  “You got me, Kurt. I want her. I want to initiate her into your little group.”

  I don’t have to pay, of course. But offering may smooth things over, and help her out. Hell, I don’t want her mouth on another man. She hasn’t done that with me yet, and I’ll be damned if I have to find out she sucked off someone else. Especially Kurt.

  “The girls initiate on me. Always.”

  “Maybe it’s time for a change.”


  Before I can respond, he lets out a low whistle. I look out the door, and see what’s gotten him distracted. Or I should say, who’s gotten him distracted. A doe eyed girl with long brown hair and short bangs is sauntering down the hall. There’s no other word for it. She’s fucking sauntering down the hall, and every male in the building is tracking her progress.

  She’s slim with slight curves, but the way she carries herself makes you think she’s packing a lot more than she really is. It’s confidence, along with the knowledge that she’s sexy. Her skirt’s short, and her top’s little more than a bustier. If I wasn’t so into Isa, I’d go for it. But while I can appreciate how hot this girl is, she’s doing very little for me. Not nothing—I am a red-blooded male after all. But not much.

  The girl comes to a stop in front of Kurt and me. “Are you Mr. Wells?”

  “I am, yes.”

  That came out a little husky, and her eyes narrow. Dammit. “I’m Ellie. Today’s my first day, and apparently, you’re my first class.”

  “Lucky us. I’m Kurt,” he says, holding out his hand.

  “Neither one of you is getting lucky. At least not with me. So you can put your little smile, and your little dick, back where they can’t offend anyone.”

  Kurt drops his hand and glares at her. “You’ll learn soon enough that making an enemy of me is not in your best interest, bitch.”

  “Am I supposed to be scared? Shaking in my heels? Not gonna happen.” She turns back to me, dismissing Kurt. “Is there assigned seating, or can I sit wherever I want?”

  “There’s no assigned seating, but the other students have claimed the seats they like throughout the year. If you wait until everyone gets here, we can see what’s left.”

  “Whatever you say, Teach,” she says and then walks past us to sit on the edge of my desk as the other students start to file in.

  Wow. This girl is something else. And she just poked the bear by taking on Kurt. She puts on a tough act, but I hope she can follow it up. I don’t have time to worry about her, though. I have Isa to try and protect, and I also have a job to do. One that I’m jeopardizing by getting involved with her, real student or not.

  When I see Isa later in the day, I know Kurt’s begun his school day torture. Her mouth is in a thin line, and her clothes have some food stains on them. She stills walks into my classroom with her head held high. Which is the wrong way to play this. I’m trying to think of some way to convey this to her before the school day is over, when Grace walks in. Isa sees her and immediately bursts into tears. It’s like she flipped a switch, and it’s exactly what Kurt’s number one minion needs to see.

  Grace has a smirk on her face as she approaches Isa’s desk. “Did something happen at lunch, Isabelle?”

  Isa nods between her tears and answers in a small voice. “Yes.”

  “It’s only going to get worse.”

  She walks to her own seat, making sure to bend over far enough to flash me some cleavage as she gets settled. I shake my head because I know she won’t give up. But I won’t give in to her. I wasn’t going to before Isa, and I definitely won’t now.

  I head over to Isa’s place after I’m done in the tutoring lab. I know that the tears were fake, but I still want to make sure she’s okay. And yes, I want to fuck her. I went months without a woman, but even a day without her makes me crazy. Logically I know that I need to get her out of my system, but it’s been more than just sex with her from the start, so that’s not going to happen. God help us both.

  She’s in the shower when I find her. I quickly shed my clothes, grabbing a condom from my wallet before I join her. “Hi, babe. You doing okay?”

  “I am now,” she says with a sexy smile on her face. “I need to get the ketchup out of my hair before you make me scream, though.”

  “They put ketchup in your hair?” Motherfuckers.

  “Yeah. It’s almost out,” she tells me as she rubs more shampoo in the long locks.

  I move her hands aside and take over. I wash the last of it out as she reaches behind her to stroke my cock. I wanted to take care of her, but I don’t have the strength to stop her from pleasing me. It feels too damn good.

  She has one of those rain showers, but it’s not just a showerhead. The entire ceiling has little holes that have water coming out of them. So it’s like really being in the rain. I’m trying to decide how I want to do this—do her—when the lights go off. “What the fu—“

  “Just wait,” Isa says.

  Colored lights all of sudden stream from the top of the shower. The colors are changing and shifting into patterns on the wall and shower door. And all over our bodies. It’s hands down one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen—lights washing over Isa’s body along with the water. “Holy shit.”

  I drop to my knees, because I know exactly what I want right now. My mouth on her. The water pressure drops, and I’m glad one of use still has enough brain function left at the moment to make sure I don’t drown. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t remain this coherent for much longer, though. I love to drive her crazy, and taking care of her pussy is guaranteed to do just that.

  “Are you sure, Mase?” Isa asks me.

  I look up at her, and see how nervous and shy she looks. She’s biting her bottom lip, and has her arms crossed over her breasts. Fuck. I thought she’d be okay with this. Hell, I thought she’d be more than okay. I keep forgetting that I was her first. And that I shouldn’t want to be her last.

  “It’s going to feel good, Isa. Really, really good. I promise.”

  Her lips curve up at my words. “I have no doubt. I just don’t want you to feel lik
e you have to—“

  “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to, Isa. I can show you, though.”

  I reach down and take my fully erect cock in my hand. It’s heavy, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I actually come while getting her off. Just the thought of it makes me twitch. I see her eyes go wide.

  “That’s you, Isa. All you. I want to taste you so bad.”

  “Yes, please.”

  I don’t even hesitate. I lean forward and lick her like she’s my favorite dessert. And after that first taste, I can honestly say nothing else I’ve ever eaten can compare to her.

  I stroke myself as I devour her, taking us both higher, and closer to release. She’s pulling my hair, thrusting her hips at my face, and spouting off random facts that only make sense to her and her sexy brain. It’s so hot that I can’t believe I haven’t gone up in flames yet. It only takes a couple of minutes, and some intense suction on her clit before she’s coming hard. I’m right behind her, spilling myself all over the shower floor.

  Isa sinks to the floor next me and I take her in my arms. “Wow.”

  “That’s the understatement of the year, babe. You’re delicious. Not that I ever doubted that you would be.”

  It’s true. I’ve always liked going down on women, but there have only been a handful of pussies in my life that I’ve truly loved to eat. Isa’s has joined that exclusive club, which is going to make everything even harder than it already is. Because I’m going to be thinking about it every time I see her. Teaching a class of teenagers isn’t going to be easy when I’m hiding a raging boner. But then again, when is anything in my life ever easy?

  * * *


  It’s been two days since Kurt waged his war on me. I’ve had food thrown on me, my locker’s been filled with whipped cream, my clothes were stolen from my P.E. locker while I was in class, and random guys have been brushing up against me while saying disgusting things. I want to just shoot the little asshole in the crotch region, but I know I have to pretend to crack. So, I’m going to.

  I get out of my English class a couple of minutes early by telling my male teacher that I have “female things” to take care of. I wait in the main hall of the school until the bell rings. Then I slide down the wall next to Kurt’s locker and start to sob. Tegan wanted me to start wailing in the middle of the floor, but Audrey reminded her that a great performance is one that looks more realistic, and not some over the top shit. Her words, but she’s right. I can’t put on a show, I just have to be one.

  I hear people talking around me, but no one approaches. Not even the teachers. I feel a shadow over me, but I fight the urge to look. I know from the cologne that it’s Kurt. He crouches down next to me so he can whisper in my ear.

  “What’s the matter, Isabelle?” he asks me, reaching out to brush my hair from my face. “Having a hard time lately, aren’t you?”


  “This could all be over. You could be one of the most popular girls in school. Just say the word.”

  “Wh-what do I have to do?”

  “Just make some men happy. And maybe a woman or two. It’ll be fun for you.”

  “I don’t have much experience.”

  “That’s even better. I’ll try you out and see how to market you.”

  Market me? Is he for real? My body isn’t a can of Pepsi. And God, the thought of doing…that…with him. But I have to. I know I do.

  “Okay,” I tell him.

  He gets a text before he can say anything else. “Dammit,” he says, gripping the phone like he wants to throw it. “I’ll be in touch. No one will mess with you anymore.”

  He kisses the top of my head, and then storms off, looking like he wants to kill someone. I get up off the ground and start to walk to Mase’s room. Max falls into step next to me.

  “It’s not so bad, you know. I mean, it is…but you get used to it. Kurt and the boss protect us. So yeah, we have to have sex with random old guys, but no one hurts us.”

  “Physically, you mean. What about emotionally? And who’s this ‘boss’?”

  “I try to block out the emotional. I mean, I have no choice. I can’t get expelled—I’m on scholarship here. This school is my ticket to an Ivy. And at least I’m making good money. As for the boss—I can’t tell you about him. You’ll find out when he thinks you’re ready.”

  We’re at the classroom now, so I can’t ask her anything else. She gives me a small wave as she walks away. I’m shaking my head when I walk inside. Until I feel the tension in the room. It’s emanating from Grace, and directed at Mase. It’s a far cry from her blatant flirting, and alarm bells ring in my head. When I look to him, he’s not even paying attention to her, though. He’s writing on the board. I’ll ask him about it later, but for now I’m just glad that I don’t have to watch her undressing him with her eyes for the next forty minutes.

  After school, I head to the Foundation so Ellie and I can debrief. I have to pretend like I don’t know her when we’re at school, and we can’t be seen out together anywhere, so this is our first chance to talk this week. She’s definitely made a splash around campus. While I’m playing myself, she’s playing an exaggerated version of the tough girl I know she is. And Kurt’s practically foaming at the mouth.

  “Hey girlie, how are you doing?” she asks as I walk into her office.

  While mine looks like a library, hers looks like a bar. Or a family pub. That’s where she was working when Helen Wilson found her—her family’s pub. She wasn’t twenty-one yet, but she’d been tending bar for years. She’s as street smart as I’m book smart, but her intelligence is above average as well. What you see with her is definitely not what you get. So yeah, her team works at booths that look like they should be drinking in them, but she’s not someone I’d ever underestimate.

  “You saw my ‘breakdown’?”

  “Oh yeah. It was perfect.”

  “I just have to be initiated now. With Kurt.”

  “Fuck. Why didn’t you just let me go in first, or get recruited first?”

  “You want to sleep with Kurt?”

  “Of course not, but I could handle it. It’s just sex for me.”

  “What’s just sex for you, El?” Aiden asks, walking into the room.

  “None of your business, Aiden,” she tells him with a scowl.

  “So that’s how it is?”

  “It’s how you made it. You don’t want me? Fine. I get it. But you have no right—or claim—on me, so who I do is none of your concern.”

  He looks like he wants to argue, but he knows she’s right. Ellie’s made no secret of the fact that she wants him. She’s been clear since the moment he walked into the building with Matt and Nate. But for some reason, he thinks he can’t have her. So he won’t touch her. He just touches all kinds of other women in front of her. I’m honestly surprised that he’s still standing. Or alive. I know he was Special Forces, but Ellie’s not someone I’d ever mess with.

  “See you around, then.”

  “Did you have something you needed from me? You came in here, after all.”

  I see the hope in her eyes, and it nearly kills me. I can see that he’s having similar thoughts. “I just wanted to make sure that everything was going okay. That you were okay.”


  “Because I had to. Are you…okay?”

  “Aiden,” she says, taking a step towards him.

  He steps back, closing his eyes for a moment before speaking. “Don’t, Ellie. Don’t take it wrong.”

  Her eyes turn cold as she tries to hide the hurt that had flashed in them a moment ago. “I won’t. I’ve learned that nothing about me is right where you’re concerned. As for your question, I’m fine. Perfect. Couldn’t be better. Your conscience can remain clear while you fuck the female population of the city.”

  He wants to speak. I can see that he wants to tell her what she means to him. But he doesn’t. He just nods at us before turning to walk out the door.

llie lets out a small cry, and I go to her immediately. She sobs in my arms for a few minutes, before shaking herself. “I’m sorry you had to see that. We need to focus on you, and the mission. Not my failed love life.”

  “He wants you, Ellie. He’s just fighting it for some reason. He’ll come around, just like Matt did with Reina.”

  “Matt hasn’t come around. He’s planning on a year.”

  “I don’t know if that’s still his plan. Since they’ve been exclusive, he’s been…nicer to her.”

  “True. But I heard him telling Nate that nothing’s really changed, other than he’s getting lucky every night.”

  “Matt? Matt said that?” Reina asks. Oh hell, neither of us heard her come in.

  “Umm…maybe?” Ellie says, trying to diffuse the situation.

  “I should’ve know. I do know. It’s been this way for years. Why would a stupid ring change things?”

  “He loves you, Rei.”

  “He loves my body, Isa. I hope he enjoys it for the year. Because once he divorces me, I’m done. And if any of you see me start to give in, slap me. I give you and the other girls permission to slap the shit out of me if I go near Matt Corrigan once the year is up.”

  “Don’t hold back, Princess. Tell them how you really feel.”

  Oh God. Could this day get any worse? First Ellie and Aiden, and now Reina and Matt are about to go at it. Sleeping with Kurt isn’t looking so bad in the grand scheme of things.

  “Like you’re telling Nate that you’re only happy about getting lucky every night with me? Well guess what? Your luck’s run out. My body is off limits to you.”

  Matt’s mouth drops open, and he’s gone pale. “For how long, Rei?”

  “Forever, Matt. For-fucking-ever. So get used to your hand since you can’t cheat on me.”

  “How is it cheating when the Ice Princess isn’t giving it up?”

  She punches him so hard that his head snaps back. “You know what? Go ahead and fuck someone. In fact, go fuck the whole damn country for all I care. Just know you won’t be fucking me ever again.”

  She runs out of the room, while the three of us just stand there in stunned silence. I’m the first to break that silence, because I can’t stay silent, even if blood is gushing pretty steadily from Matt’s nose. “How dare you, Matt? Haven’t you messed with her enough? She doesn’t deserve the way you treat her, like she’s nothing.”