Lessons in SECRET Page 3
“Jesus,” he says as he almost drops me. “I’m totally going to Hell.”
I laugh as he sets me on the counter in my master bathroom. “No you’re not. It was great. This wasn’t exactly, but I wanted my first time to be with you. And not…not with some random guy Kurt’s going to hook me up with. Or Kurt. Or his boss.”
“Kurt’s not going to touch you, Isa. I promise you that.”
“But you can’t promise anything else.”
“I’ll do what I can to protect you,” He says as he runs a warm washcloth over me. I flinch a little when he gets between my legs, but he kisses me softly to distract me while he washes me up.
“Thanks, Mase. But I’m the trained professional. I need to take care of myself. The women I work with have done things to make sure a mission is successful. It’s not officially part of our job, but they’ve done what they had to in order to save people. I can do those things too. Especially now that we did this.”
“Isa, this wasn’t good for you at all.”
“It was. I mean, yeah, the act itself was painful, but I did it with you. Someone I like. A lot. And next time will be better, right?”
He just stares at me for a moment, and I’m scared that I said the wrong thing. Maybe he doesn’t want more than one time. Or maybe the thought of me having to sleep with a random guy is turning him off. I can understand that.
“I’m going to do everything I can to not sleep with someone else. I promise. I don’t want to do that. At all. I swear.”
“I know, babe. I just wish the people you work with didn’t put you in this situation.”
What? I’m getting a little angry now. “They didn’t. I told you it’s not part of the job. Reina even offered to take me off the mission. No one I work with would ever ask me to do something like this. They wouldn’t ask any of us. Some of the girls just view sex as a more casual thing, so it doesn’t bother them if they’re put in that situation. I chose to do this, and I’ll see it through. The girls who don’t want to be part of what’s going on deserve my help. And so do the ones who want to do it. Because I don’t think they really understand just what they’re doing to themselves.”
“I didn’t mean to make you angry, Isa. I don’t know how your employment works, and I wanted to make sure that you’re protected. I’m still going to do what I can, even if you think it’s not much.”
“I am protected. Over-protected, actually. They all treat me like a piece of china that might break. But I’m strong. I’ll take their help, and yours, because I’m smart enough to know that everyone needs help. But I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“Duly noted,” he says with a smile and kiss on my nose. “Now, how about taking a bath with me? We’re not going to have our second time tonight, but I still want to make you feel good.”
“I’d like that.”
And I do. He’s gentle with me, and after washing and drying me off, he uses his mouth on me in ways I’ve only read about. Not in the place that’s begging for him, because he says he knows I’m still sore, but everywhere else on my body. He worships my breasts like they’re temples built just for him, and I nearly fly off the bed when he sucks on the sensitive place behind me ear. It’s way better than reading. I think I may have lost a few brain cells, even. He smiles when I tell him that, and tucks me into bed before kissing me goodbye. I want him to stay, but he has no other clothes with him, and it’s a school night. Hopefully I can still act normal around him tomorrow. And for however long this mission lasts. Because I think the “like” could turn into that other “L” word, and for once in my life, that doesn’t scare me.
Chapter 3
I told Isa that I would protect her, and I’m trying. I know she needs to get into Kurt’s group in order to fully bring it down, but I’ve been delaying her initiation. I can’t stop Kurt, but I’ve given him extra work, which kept him busy enough to leave her alone for the past couple of weeks. I know time is running out. He wants her, and for her to succeed, he’s going to have to get her. And I’m going to have to stand back and let it happen.
While her progress at becoming a “teen” prostitute has been on hold, our relationship has been moving right along. I’ve spent almost every night with her at her apartment. I’ve been bringing clothes along so I don’t have to leave after I make love to her. After that first disastrous night—I still can’t believe she didn’t tell me she was a virgin—we’ve had some pretty mind-blowing times together. I took it slow the next few times, but now we can’t get enough of each other. It’s a wonder that I can even teach after we woke each other up for more all through the night, last night. I saw her practically staggering through the hall earlier. I should’ve felt bad, but all I felt was a surge of male pride. Yeah, I did that to her.
I shouldn’t be proud at all. In fact, I should be staying far away from her. But I can’t. There’s something about her that makes me believe in love. It’s more than the sex, as amazing as that is. It’s just her. We talk for hours, watch BBC shows on TV, and sit side by side as I grade papers and she does her “homework.” It’s the closest to perfect I’ve ever come, and although I know it won’t last, I wish it would. Because walking away from her—or having her walk away from me, which is the more likely scenario—is probably going to come close to killing me.
I know it’s stupid, and there’s no way it will work, but I pull my phone out and send the text anyway.
Me: I want out.
Boss: No.
I knew that would be the answer, and now there’s going to be hell to pay. Dammit. I shouldn’t have tried. Isa has me all mixed up. I want things I can’t have. I want her. Forever. But I know that I can’t.
I manage to pull myself together before I have class with her. She smiles as she walks in, and takes her seat in one of the middle rows. Grace sits up front and just like every other day, she pulls her shirt down, trying to tempt me with her cleavage. I’m hard, but it has nothing to do with her. Kurt walks by the open door and gives me a little two fingered salute. Asshole.
A few minutes into class, a local UNLV student who the school hired to help us grade longer research papers, walks in. He’s not smiling; instead, he looks really nervous. “Is there a problem, Chris?”
“Um, yeah.” He glances around the room. “Two of your students had the same exact research paper.”
“References and everything.”
I take the papers from him, my heart sinking. I already know whose papers I’m going to find, and how this is all going to go down. Knowing doesn’t make it any better, though.
“Chris, can you go get Kurt? Isabelle, can I please talk to you in my office for a moment. Everyone else, please start reading Chapter 20. Silently.”
They ignore me before the two of us even clear the door. The gossip and murmuring has begun. And Isa’s going to be the casualty—unless she gives in to Kurt. This is her set-up. Her normal instinct would be to fight it, but she’ll give in because she needs to go deeper undercover. She’s already told me that she’ll save the girls at this school, no matter what the cost to her is.
Once the door is closed behind us, I stay quiet, waiting for Chris to bring Kurt before I address them. “Would one of you like to explain to me how you turned in the exact same research paper?”
“You know I’m not a cheater, Mr. W. My dad would be pissed if you tried to accuse me of being one. I don’t think the school board would like that.”
And so it begins.
“I didn’t cheat,” Isa says. She knows I know that—I was sitting next to her while she wrote the damn paper.
“Well, one of you did. I’m going to give you a few minutes alone in here to decide to tell me the truth. Thanks for your help, Chris.”
I wait until Chris walks out the other door to walk back into the classroom. I already know what will happen, but I need to let it play out. Once Isa gives in, Kurt will take the blame and let his father buy him out of yet anot
her sticky situation. He gets a slap on the wrist while Isa gets a new “career.”
* * *
“So, you ready to come work for me Isabelle?”
“That would be a no.”
“I’ll make the cheating thing go away for you.”
“We both know I didn’t cheat, and I’m prepared to defend myself if necessary.”
I know this is the part where I’m supposed to start crying or something, and give in. I need to give in. But not this way. Kurt wants to take me down, but he chose the wrong course of action. I don’t mess around with my grades, even if this isn’t my first time in high school.
“You really think you can go up against me, and win?”
“I honestly don’t know. But I’ve got to try. I won’t let you dirty my name with this cheating bullshit.”
“Ah, there’s a tiger inside the little mouse, huh?”
“I’m not a mouse, you pig.”
That just rubbed me the wrong way. Ainsley’s “Little Mouse” to the guys at work. I’m “Double G” for girl genius. Although, I’m pretty sure they get a laugh out of my nickname since my bra size is a solid B. I’m just happy to fit in.
“But you will be working for me. Have no doubt. I’m going to make your life here at this school such a living hell that you’ll be on your knees begging me to take you on. And then I’m going to have you take me in your mouth before I save you.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he says, trying to kiss my cheek.
I shove him away and glare as he opens the door to the classroom, calling for Mase to come back into the office. He does, and crosses his arms to stare at the two of us.
“Are you two ready to tell me the truth?”
“She won’t admit she cheated, and I know I didn’t, so I guess we’re at an impasse.”
A look of shock crosses Mase’s face. I know he thought I’d give in since I need to be undercover. But my brain won’t let me do something like that when it comes to this. I can already hear the lecture from Reina, but I just can’t do it. I can’t act like I might have cheated, and Kurt’s saving me.
“We don’t have to be at an impasse,” I say.
“How do you propose to move past it?” Mase asks.
“Take our tablets and cell phones. Then quiz us about what was in the paper. In front of the class, and that Chris guy.”
“Seriously?” Kurt asks, looking nervous.
“Yes. I won’t have anyone thinking that I’m cheating,” I tell him with a glare.
“That’s actually a good idea,” Mase says, pulling out his phone. “I’ll call Chris to come back to the classroom.”
“What? Are you fucking insane? I’m not doing this. You can’t make me.”
“Actually, I can make you, Kurt.”
They engage in an intense glaring contest, and I’m a little surprised when Mase wins. “Fine. I cheated and copied her paper. Try doing something about it, Wells. We both know the administration will shut you down.”
“They can’t stop me from giving you lunch detention. You’ll have it for the next week.”
“A week? He stole my research paper and you’re giving him a week of lunch detention?” I ask. This is ridiculous.
“You’re not the teacher, Isabelle. Don’t question my decisions. Ever.”
I flinch at his words, which isn’t lost on Kurt. He turns to me with a smirk. “You may think you’ve won, but this was just a little battle. The war will be mine, and so will that fine ass of yours.”
“Get back to class, Kurt.”
He gives Mase another one of his annoying two fingered salutes before walking away. At the last second, he turns and winks at me while licking his lips. I want to stab him in his carotid artery with a pencil, but I settle for flipping him off. Which, unfortunately makes him smile even wider. Before I can say or do anything else, Mase slams the door shut.
Wheeling on me, he pins me with a glare. “Are you really that stupid, Isa?”
I fight the urge to retreat. I’m a strong woman, and no one’s going to make me feel any different. Even if it is the man I’m falling in love with. Especially if it’s that man.
“Do not talk down to me, Mr. Wells.”
He hears the venom in my voice, and now he’s the one flinching. “Isa,” he says, reaching for me. I do step back then, and dodge his hand. He lifts it to run over his close cropped hair. “You can’t win against him. He wants you.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“You know I’m not. But you said you had to see this mission through. And we both know the big picture is more important than us.”
“If he had picked something else, I would’ve caved. But cheating? I couldn’t go along with that.”
“Just be prepared. It’s going to get worse. He’s going to get worse. And there’s only so much I can do to protect you from him.”
“I know.”
We walk back into the classroom, and I take my seat. I ignore the whispers going on around me—Mase and I weren’t alone for more than a couple of minutes, and I’m not that talented. Yet. He says he loves everything we’ve done together, but it’s been pretty tame. I want to drive him wild, so it’s time to start watching some videos. I’ve been avoiding it, hoping the books I’ve read would be enough. But I know they’re not. If I’m still in one piece after talking to Reina, I’m going to watch at least one before Mase comes over tonight.
I manage to ignore Kurt and his minions for the rest of the day. All they did was glare at me anyway. Well, except for Max, the girl who tried to warn me. She gives me pitying and apologetic looks, which are actually a little harder to deal with. I may despise Kurt, but I also know that he’s smart. And those looks from Max tell me there’s already another plan for me in place. I’ll be ready. If I’m still on the case.
I walk into the Foundation offices, and smile at Alex. I ask her to let Reina know I’m here, and need to talk to her. Then I walk to my space, which is actually more like a library than an office. I check in with my small team of analysts in the two story, book filled area, and then head to my private office in back. Anyone walking in would think we’re Luddites, or working in an antiquated way. We’re not. My team and I use technology more than these books, but sometimes we need to go old school.
I work on a couple of requests that Ainsley sent me for Audrey’s upcoming mission while I wait for Reina. I’ve just finished the second one when she knocks on my doorframe, a smile on her face. “Hi Isa. You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah. I…umm…I did something I shouldn’t have today.”
She straightens her spine, and takes a seat in front of me. “Go ahead and tell me.”
“Kurt tried to blackmail me today, and I wouldn’t go for it.”
She sighs heavily. “I told you I’d replace you with someone who’d be more comfortable if you couldn’t go through with his. You know that sleeping with random people isn’t part of your job. We’d do what we could to stop it from happening while you’re ‘employed’ but we can’t stop any type of initiation from happening. We’ve been over this already, Isa. Why did you let it get this far, only to have me replace you now?”
“I don’t want to be replaced, Rei. I know I’m going to have to be with someone. I won’t enjoy it, but I have to do it. You can’t protect me forever. I’m not a virgin anymore if that’s what you’re worried about.”
She doesn’t even try to hide the shock from her face. “You slept with Mason.”
“Oh Isa. Why didn’t you come talk to me? Are you okay?”
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I’m fine now. It was…rough, but once Mase knew, he took care of me.”
“It is a big deal. And what do you mean, once he knew?”
“I-I didn’t tell him right away.”
“Isa, no.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“But I do. I didn’t tell th
e first man I was with either.”
“You didn’t?”
“No. And I felt like I was being torn apart when he…well, you know.”
“Yeah, I do. Why didn’t you tell him?”
“I wanted to make him think I was more sophisticated and sexy than I really was. And I was trying to forget that I’d almost once had my virginity taken from me.”
“Someone tried to rape you, Rei?”
“Yes. When I was very young,” she tells me, her voice shaking a little. “The man didn’t succeed, but I still remember how scared I was. Even after all these years.”
“I’m sorry to make you think about it.”
“Don’t be. I think about it every time I help a woman who finds her way to us, or I send one of you out on a mission. I feel stronger every day, just knowing that we’re helping people. Jane bringing me into the Society saved my life. I was broken, and she gave me a chance to heal. I owe her everything.”
“And now you’re marrying her grandson.”
“It’s a fake marriage. You know that.”
“Don’t, Rei. With me, and the other girls, don’t pretend that this isn’t real for you.”
“He’ll never see it that way.”
“He loves you.”
“I know. But it’s not enough. I’m not enough to heal him. I can tell him all day and night that he’s wonderful, and special. And the bravest man I know. But he’ll never believe me. He has it in his head that he’s somehow not worthy of me, or true happiness.”
“You have a year to make him see it. He said he’d never cheat on you, so you’ll have him with you every night.”
“I already do. We haven’t been apart since the day he ‘proposed.’ I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier, or sadder. It’s almost worse to know that there’s a time limit. Because I know that when he walks away from me this time, it will truly be the end.”
“If anyone can change his mind, you can. I’ll do whatever I can. We all will.”
“Thanks, Isa. Now back to you. Why did you turn down the blackmail proposition if it’s not because you’re afraid to have sex with him or his boss?”