Rocking a SECRET Read online

Page 17

  No guy on the planet is going to say no to having his dick sucked. And I’m most definitely a guy. My pants are off in seconds and I climb over her until I’m straddling her neck. There’s no fucking way I’m having her get on her knees for me tonight. Or maybe ever. Just not gonna happen.

  “You want to be in control of it, huh?”

  “No. I just won’t let you get on your knees for me.”

  “You know that by saying that, you’re making me want to get on my knees.”

  “Not tonight.”

  “I thought this was my show?”

  “It is. That’s why I’m letting you put your mouth on me, when we both know I shouldn’t get even one ‘o’ tonight. I don’t deserve it.”

  “You just made sure that you did,” she says as she sucks my piercing into that perfect mouth of hers.

  I lean back and let her have her way with me. It feels even better than how I remembered it. Her mouth, and tongue, and oh God, a little bit of teeth. I fight to not thrust into her mouth as I get closer. I almost came when I was going down on her so it doesn’t take long before I’m yelling out her name and falling forward to grab the edge of the table behind her.

  “I think I just saw God,” I tell her when I can finally speak.

  “Did not,” she tells me with a slap on the ass. “You just experienced the awesomeness of a sinner.”

  I move off of her and pull her up to sit with me. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “We both know who the saint is in this relationship, and it’s not me.”

  “Really? Because I seem to recall you being a bad ass spy who saves women and children. And how exactly am I saint when I just had my cock down your throat. I hate to break it to you, but pretty much everyone on Earth is a sinner. We all sin in one way or another. Well, maybe not the Pope. He’s pretty cool. But anyone who tells you they’re a saint is lying, and anyone who disparages you as a sinner is condemning themselves.”

  “You’re pretty wise for a young kid.”

  “I’ve been hanging around Brett. A little must have rubbed off.”

  “He’s a great guy.”

  “Yeah he is.”

  “His brother’s not too bad, either.”

  “I’m a work in progress.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’m sorry I brought you up here for sex before we had a chance to really talk. I just needed you so much. I missed you so much. Not just this way. I mean…I miss everything about you, not just your hot body.”

  “I don’t believe I was complaining at all during any part of what just took place. We can talk now, or after you ravish me a few more times. As long as we get to it, eventually.”

  “A few times, huh.”

  “Well, you do have that yummy stamina thing going for you.”

  “My cock just loves your pussy. But I do have something to ask you. I don’t want to wait.”

  “As long as there’s no ring involved, you can ask me anything.”

  Ouch. “You don’t want a ring from me, Stella?”

  “Not yet. We’re not ready for that yet. But I’d say yes if that’s what you’re going to ask me. I do want to marry you one day. We just need a little more time together.”

  “That’s a relief. I was worried you just wanted me for my body.”

  “That’s just an added bonus. It’s your heart and soul I want.”

  “They’re all yours. Which brings me to my question. The guys and I will probably have to tour and shit after we record our next album. I was hoping I could make Vegas my home base, though.”

  “Would you like to make my home your ‘home base’?”

  “Yeah. But if it’s too soon for that, too, I can find an apartment close by or something.”

  “I would love to share my place with you. We can make it less girly.”

  “Oh no. Your apartment is sexy. I love it.”

  “At least let me give you a man cave.”

  “I’m not hiding out from you when I’m there.”

  “A music room?”

  “Okay, that I’ll agree to.”

  “I’ll have Chloe get started on transforming the guest room.”

  “Not your dressing room? I mean, that room’s bigger and has really good acoustics.”

  She goes still, and I see the emotions pass over her face. Shock, sadness, a little anger, and then defeat. “You-you can have that room if it would be better for you.”

  “Never. I would never take that room from you. My Bombshell needs room for all her pretty things. I was just messing with you.”

  “Thank God. I mean, I love you, but that room is my happy place.”

  “I’ve done some very happy things to you in that room.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  “I’m about to do some of them to you in this room,” I tell her as I lay down and pull her on top of me.

  “Not if I do them to you first,” she says as she slides onto my cock.

  Chapter 17


  We spent all night and most of the early morning making up for the time we lost with each other’s bodies these past weeks. Today, I’m going to start to make up for the lost time of being romantic and in love. I have the perfect day planned for us.

  “Are you ready for our date today, love?”


  “I owe you the perfect date to make up for the one I ruined.”

  “Oh. You don’t have to do that. I thought we’d go home today. I was going to hang out with my friends tonight.”

  I’ve already taken care of those plans, but I’m not going to tell her about it. Why she hasn’t told me it’s her birthday today is a little beyond me, though. I almost told her “happy birthday” when I made her come right after midnight, but I figured she had a reason for not letting me know. Hopefully, she’ll either tell me—or I’ll figure out why she won’t—before tonight. I only know because Brett told me.

  “Umm…okay. I guess we can go back to Vegas if you don’t want to spend the day with me here.”

  “That’s not it, K. Of course I want to be with you. I’ve just had plans for tonight for a long time.”

  “I get it. I wouldn’t take you from your friends. How about if we do most of the date? We’re two hours ahead here, so if I get you on a plane by 7, you’ll be in Vegas around 8. Is that too late?”

  A big smile lights up her face as she reaches over to kiss me. “That’ll work. I’ll tell Tegan to let the girls know. I’m assuming she’s here in the house with Wayne.”

  “Fuck if I know. I’ve only been concerned about the whereabouts of one woman.”

  “I haven’t been out of your sight for more than a couple minutes since the gala.”

  “I know. It’s been perfect.”

  “Yeah. It really has.”

  “We should get in the shower so we make it out of here in time for breakfast at Kerby Lane.” It’s an Austin institution, and I know she’ll like it.

  “I don’t take that long to get ready,” she says, clearly offended.

  “I know, but I’m planning to make you come at least two more times before we leave. And I know how much you love it in the shower.”

  “I do. All that water running over your sexy muscles and cock. And your ass. I don’t talk about your ass much, but I really do love it.”

  “Why thank you. I enjoy watching the water run over all of you, too. It’s one of my favorite things.”

  “So what are we doing out here?” she asks, hopping from the bed to run to the bathroom.

  “Vixen. That’s your third nickname. Vixen,” I say when I walk in and see her already under the water.

  “Nope. Two is enough.”

  “Two is never enough,” I tell her as I join her.

  Forty-five minutes later, we’re in my car headed for the diner. Stella rests her head on my shoulder and I keep my hand on her thigh. We don’t have a long wait, but we keep our hands connected, regardless. It’s like neither one of us wants to let the
other one go, ever again. I’m totally fine with that.

  After we’ve thoroughly stuffed ourselves on specialty pancakes and omelets, I drive us to our next stop. I park on the side of the road and lead her into the park, smiling as I look over at her. Stella looks adorable today. I told her she needed to wear boots, jeans and a long sleeved shirt. She had two of the three, but had to borrow one of my button downs. I love seeing my plaid shirt on her.

  She has her hair in a ponytail, and I reach out to pull it lightly. “What was that for?”

  “I always want to pull your hair when you have it up.”

  “Then why haven’t you?”

  “I’m not really a hair guy, so I think of it but never have an overwhelming need to do it.”

  “Even though I pull your hair?”

  “I love when you pull my hair. It usually means I’m driving you wild and you’re about to come.”

  “Yeah, it usually does.”

  “What do you think?” I ask as I turn her around to see where we are.

  “Wow? This is cool. Really cool. What is it?”

  “Graffiti Park. I thought you’d like it. We can climb all the way to the top, but we have to be careful to watch for poison oak. That’s why I needed you to be covered up.”

  “Let’s go,” she says, pulling me behind her.

  Stella climbs the walls like it’s nothing. I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I am. And also really turned on, which is my default state when she’s around, but still. I love that she just adapts to anything. She can go from designer clothes to an old flannel and jeans and be just as sexy and comfortable in both. When I finally catch up to her, she kisses me hard before pulling out her phone for a selfie of us with the city in the background.

  “Best bi-I mean day ever. Best day ever.”

  Why won’t she tell me it’s her birthday? I don’t get it, but I continue to play along. When we get back down to street level, I walk her over to an artist working on a piece. She gasps when she sees what it is.

  “Kace, you did this?”

  “I hired him, if that’s what you mean. Do you like it?”

  “I fucking love it. Oh my God. Can we get a picture?”

  “Yes. We definitely need one.”

  I hand my phone to the artist, and he snaps a pick of us in front of “us.” Owen Griffin helped me find the artist. I commissioned him to draw our caricatures inside a heart with the words “The boy and the bombshell forever” written above them. It came out great, and while I know someone will come by and paint over it eventually, I love that I could give this to her on her birthday, even if I’m not supposed to know.

  My next surprise is a change of clothes. I’d been told that we might get muddy, so I packed stuff for myself and asked Tegan to bring me clothes for Stella. She’s known about all my plan. All of Stella’s friends know. They don’t know she hasn’t told me it’s her birthday, though. I’m not as cool about it as I want to be. It actually hurts a little. Okay, a lot. And I really just don’t get it.

  * * *


  Today is my best birthday ever. Starting with the awesome orgasm I got after midnight, and continuing through all the cool things Kace planned for us so far today. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  We just changed clothes and I am loving the outfit Tegan packed for me. I’ve got on my favorite skirt, which is black and covered in chains. A soft white tee and one of my black leather jackets complete the look. I taught her well, and she did good—except for the damn boots. Yes, she packed me rhinestone encrusted black cowboy boots. They do look cool with the outfit, but I’ll never tell her that.

  “Of course she packed you cowboy boots. They look great, though. You look great.”

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  He really does. He has on dark wash jeans, and an emerald green tee under a brown leather bomber jacket. He’s the best part of my birthday, even though I haven’t told him that’s what today is. I want to, but then he’ll feel obligated to buy me a present or change his plans. I want to just have fun, and not put any pressure on him. He’s already cutting our day short to fly me back to my friends.

  “Are you ready for our next adventure?”


  He surprises me by taking my hand and leading me down the street instead of into the car. As we turn at the next light, my eyes go wide. There are all kinds of funky looking boutiques and restaurants. I want to go into them all.

  That’s exactly what we do for the next few hours. I go crazy in the vintage stores, and end up having a ton of things shipped back to Vegas. Kace insists on paying for everything, and since most of the salespeople recognize him and ask for autographs and pictures, I let him because I don’t want to cause a scene that will end up on YouTube. I’m going to pay him back, though. We can fight about it in private.

  We’ve just had an amazing meal at one of the cafes, so now I’m ready to keep looking. Kace looks at his watch and gives me a sad smile. “We’re going to have to head back to the house for Tegan now if you want to make your flight time.”

  “Oh. Yeah. We better go.”

  I don’t want to. I want to stay here with Kace, shopping and laughing before going home to make love all night again. But I made plans, and while I could’ve canceled them, I didn’t. And it wouldn’t be fair to my friends if I canceled now. I know it’s not fair to Kace that I’m cutting our magical day short. Or that he didn’t know it was my birthday, but I’ll tell him later how special it’s been for me.

  We pull into the driveway of his house and see that only a few lights are on. Kace starts to get out, but I have to clear the air on something first. “I’m paying you back.”


  “For all the stuff today. I can’t let you pay for all of the things I got. It’s a lot of money.”

  “I fucking have a lot of money, Stella. I wanted to spoil you today. What am I going to do with it if I’m not spending it on the people I love?”

  “This isn’t a negotiation, Kace. I’m paying.”

  “Whatever. I’m not in the mood to go inside right now, so just go do what you need to.”


  “Please just go, Stella. I need a few minutes to calm down because I’m really, really pissed right now.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back soon since I don’t really have anything to pack.”

  He doesn’t respond. And here I thought today was my best birthday. Now I think it may be my worst. I walk up to the front door and push it open. All the lights go on as my friends yell “surprise.” Oh my God. No.

  I turn and see the tail lights of Kace’s car leaving the driveway. He knew it was my birthday and did everything he could to make it special, including having all my friends flown in. And now I ruined it all. Again.

  “Are you okay, Stell? Where’s Kace?” Tegan asks me

  I turn and put a smile on my face. “I’m great, just really surprised. I can’t believe you’re all here. Kace had to take care of something. He’ll be back.” Maybe.

  “Let’s go upstairs so you can put on the cool dress he bought you,” My mom says to me. “We’ll be back soon. Well, maybe not soon. So just have fun.”

  I should’ve known something was wrong when she rushed me up here. She’s barely closed Kace’s bedroom door when she turns to me with a death glare. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Don’t hold back, Mom”

  “Just tell me why.”

  “Why what?”

  “Don’t play dumb. You didn’t tell him it was your birthday? Even after he was doing things, and buying things for you all day? And then you said you were going to pay for the things he bought you—for your birthday— and that he had no choice in the matter.”

  “I didn’t know they were for my birthday.”

  “Because for some reason, you didn’t think you should tell him.”

  “I didn’t want him to feel obligated to do something special for me.”

  “He woul
d’ve done all this for you, even if it wasn’t your birthday. But it is, and he wanted it to be special for you. He wanted to share it with you. He planned a pretty awesome day for you, and bought the dress you’ve been wanting without anyone even telling him you wanted it.”

  I turn to see the dark green dress on the bed. Oh my God. I’ve wanted the dress for months. I could’ve bought it, but I wanted something to wear it for. Something special.

  “You didn’t tell him?”



  “No. When he asked me to put it out for you, along with the accessories, I told him and he was so happy.”

  “Shit.” I’ve screwed up. Really, really screwed up, and I have to find a way to fix it.

  There’s a knock at the door, and then he’s walking in the room. “Hi. I just wanted to grab my suit so I could change in the guest room. I’ll be out of your way in a minute.”

  “Kace, I’m sorry.”

  “No worries. It’s not like we’re serious or anything. We’re just having fun, right?”

  No. Please no. “You asked to move in with me.”

  “I’ll find something else,” he says with a shrug.

  I can see the hurt he’s trying to hide cross his face, as he tries to pretend that this is nothing. That we’re nothing. It kills me that I put the pain there. And this time I have no one to blame but myself.

  I walk over to him, and hold his face so he’ll look at me. “I love you, Kace Reynolds. I didn’t keep my birthday from you to hurt you. I did it so you wouldn’t feel like you had to do something for me. But you did everything for me anyway. All I could think about all day was how this is the best birthday I’ve ever had. Starting at midnight, and going until I got out of your car.”

  “Your friends are here for you. You’ll have a great time.”

  “Only if you’re next to me, holding my hand and trying to cop a feel without my mom seeing you.”

  “I haven’t left the room yet.”

  “Nothing shocks you, remember?”

  “Leaving now.”

  “So you want our date to continue?”

  “I want it to never end. Please give me another chance.”